About Us

Who are we
Many people may ask themselves, “Who are we?” To put an end to whatever uncertainties they may have, we are now taking a seat to write the answers to all those queries. We are a collection of individuals that gather all the mobile phone information and upload them on our website; we are neither an agency nor a retailer. The crucial point is that, while we haven’t yet sold any phones, we are aware of their costs. We help users by providing cell phone specs and reviews.

How do we proceed?
Phoneprice.com.pk is a website that focuses on mobile specifications, prices, and reviews. By providing smartphone specs, reviews, release dates, and pricing information, we want to assist users. We evaluate and provide our visitors with information based on our reliable sources. Many are pleased to choose the greatest phone for themselves by basing their decision on our mobile review.

How do we operate?
For the convenience of our guests, we provide the official and unofficial pricing of new and used mobile phones on our website. Customers may purchase mobile phones more easily as a result. They might choose a mobile device based on their financial situation.

We update our website with the official pricing of each mobile device based on the brand, which we get from the official website. It is impossible to provide inaccurate information.

We are thus able to provide clients with the precise pricing of the goods. These days, both official and unauthorized phone kinds are highly sought for. Bangladesh has many stores selling unauthorized phones. Our staff keeps the page up to date by being aware of the unofficial phone pricing from the best retailers across the board.

We highlight the material on our website in this way. We do not deceive our clients. Simply put, people are mistaken. Errors happen to everyone. You may thus report any errors by leaving a comment or completing the form on the contact page. Would you want further details about who we are? You may regularly ask questions on the contact us page if you have any inquiries regarding who we are.

What Do We Want to Achieve?
The public is the reason we launched this website. Without your affection, I could not have progressed as far as I have. You always send us a ton of comments. Many inquire about if we provide home delivery and mobile sales. No, we haven’t yet sold any phones.

Initially, we only launched the website to advertise the cell phone specifications. However, a lot of you have asked that the phone be sold. We also have plans about this matter. Inshallah, we’ll soon begin offering home delivery and internet phone sales as well. That moment is not too far off. In this manner, I hope you will fall in love with us.

Customers may get the latest mobile news and updates at Phoneprice.com.pk. Every page and product on our website have been thoughtfully crafted to provide you with instant access to all the information about mobile. You may quickly and simply compare several goods with a single click if you so want. On our website, you can also read reviews for every smartphone.

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